Jade hunting in Shoufeng!

You will experience a really nice adventure not far from the town of Hualian - in the town of Shoufeng. Find a well-accessible place in the river Baibow, equip yourself with a flashlight with a hard-edged edge and start searching for green stones in a stream of water. Beware, this fun is quite addictive especially for children! You will recognize Jade by the fact that the flashlight light can easily illuminate it in depth. In the village, you just have to visit one of the workshops, where you grind the stone yourself, polish it and make a unique souvenir - all for a fee of 250 TWD per piece. During the weekend, however, try to book a place in the workshop in advance, we did not need it on weekdays. The road to one of the workshops is marked on the road from Hualian with green flags. When you have a pendant around your neck, try the local delicious pizza here: No. 121巷2號, Zhongshan Rd, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, 974

Baibow stream in Google Maps

DIY in Google Maps

DIY jade DIY jade DIY jade DIY jade

Li Chuan Aquafarm in Shoufeng Township

Li Chuan Aquafarm (立川漁場 | 黃金蜆的故鄉) offers not only the restaurant, exposition of history and clam fishing technology and a everything-from-clams shop but mainly possibility to find clams in a shallow pond and have them cooked in a restaurant right away. The big downside is the excessive number of visitors, if you do not like the crowds, you will not be fine here. Address: 974, Hualien County, Shoufeng Township, 974花蓮縣壽豐鄉魚池45號

Hot springs near Yuli Township

A place we never miss when we wander around. An Tong Hot Spring Hotel is one of several spas along route No 30 connecting Yuli Township and the east coast. Even if you're not staying you can just pay to enter the baths - the outdoor ones are shared and offer multiple pools of varying hot water and a stone slide for the kids, the indoor baths are separate. The outdoor areas are quite nicely maintained and we always end up spending more time here than we planned. Parking is free in the plaza next to the spa.

An Tong Hot spring at the night An Tong Hot spring at night An Tong Hot spring at night

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